Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Visit To The Sculpture Park

After a relatively late night, speak to Irish, Germans and French I woke up early this morning to go on a walk to the famous Sculpture Park, named Salakaewkoo.
It was built over a period of 20 years by a Laos Sculpture by the name of: Luang Poo Boun Leua Sourirat. He came to Thailand in 1974 with fear that he was was going to be prosecuted and punished if he stayed in Laos for his 'extreme' thoughts and art as the country turned communist.
The park itself is an eye opening, mind boggling area of trees which has a heavy sprinkle of concrete masterpieces around it, towering normally around 7-8 storeys high! Here I saw some fantastic sights, dramatic images and, since he died in 1996, I even got to see his mummified body in the main buildings' top floor.
I got there by walking 7KM, as I've decided I need more exercise. I was not aware however how much of a local celebrity I'd become doing it. Firstly I was stopped by school girls wanting pics and to ask me questions and then for the latter half of the walk I was followed by a local man wanting to help/guide me to the Sculpture Park.
Upon returning I went to the garden of my resort where I read my book, before heading out for some chicken & rice followed by a Leo Beer.

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