Monday, December 8, 2008

The Last Supper

So here it is, the last day of the ''2008 Thailand International Balloon Festival''. I woke early this morning (5am) for an AM flight with John Wigglesworth in his Broody Balloon. It was a great morning for a flight as well, winds were relatively strong, but in the right direction so we went for it. The flight itself was perfect we got a great direction and did some contour flying, my favourite type!
Sadly as we landed, we cancelled our first possible option for a field further on, with better access. As we approached and committed however we noticed a spikey, cactus looking field, taking up half our landing site! Best efforts were into motion but we still unfortunately got the lower quarter of the balloon onto the plant tearing small holes. A mistake that I think it's fair to say we both learned from.
After returning to the launch site/festival site we had a quick breakfast then returned to our separate hotels to get some much need sleep. After sleeping I returned to the festival site to see whether I would be fortunate enough, once again, for another flight.
Entering the site I bumped into Matt Nicholson who offered me a flight luckily. Matt who I've been fortunate enough to meet in the past (tethered with the previous night and attended Filzmoos Balloon Festival 2008 with) offered me the whole flight from start to finish and once again it was a fantastic flight. The scenery here is just gorgeous and the lack of S.A's meant, once again, it was a great opportunity to try low level flying as well as level flight. The flight lasted an hour an upon landing once again local kids from all around came to meet us and take photo's/talk to us.
After the flight I met Pee once again who offered to take my motorbike to his house, so I could go on to the final night party in Korat at the balloonists hotel. Extremely grateful I took him up on the offer and hoped in Russell and birthday girl Emily's bus (owners and operators of High Rode Balloons).
The night was fantastic we had a great buffet supper as well as a nice supply of alcohol and then we all retreated to our hotel rooms. Although I didn't have a room, an US pilot by the name of Mr Ed, offered me his spare bed which I took.

During the Balloon Festival I was lucky enough to meet a great group of people and get 3 flights in as well as one tether. I'd like to specially mention the following people and thank them.

John & Sue Wigglesworth- Thank you for the flights and best wishes for the future, hope the balloon works out fine and looking forward to seeing you soon.
Matt Nicholson- Thank you for the flight and tether opportunity. Best of luck with the future and forthcoming child! Hope it all works out.

Also thank you to Derek & Maureen, Dave Seagar-Thomas and Nigs Pertwee for making me feel so welcome and allowing this 'backpacker' to tag along!
Also thanks to Pee, Pool, Jah...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haven't had time to read it all, but pics look very impressive. I especially like the self-drive burners. Saves training to be a pilot when it flies itself!!!

Has it just finished packing its own envelope away too? If so, can you bring one home in your backpack please?

Glad to see you enjoying yourself. See you next year.
