Friday, November 28, 2008


Hey all, sorry but I don't know whether I've lost or just can find my cable for my camera but here's some photo's I've been sent on from the Canadian mates I made on Koh Phang Ghan.

Me and Dave by the pool

Me 'Rocking' my New Fashionable Hat

Me and Krisy having a Bucket

Local info: A bucket is a childs sand bucket filled with a bottle of San Song (they're whisky), 1 amphetimine based red bull, 1 sprite can and loads of ice and straws.

Flight of the Gibbon

OH my god, what blooming fun! I got picked up today at midday to go on the 'Flight Of The Gibbon' adventure which was amazing. Although I was thoroughly disappointed I didn't take my camera. Your not allowed any bags, sun glasses e.t.c
The experience itself was great, you basically travel for about 2hrs up to a well remote part of the Jungle where you then harness yourself up, get a helmet and go exploring.
The set up is as follows, they have about 2/3km of zip lines between trees (about 30+metres from the ground) so you just go from tree to tree, then absail maybe to a new level and then carry on along the zip lines. All the time whilst working yourself to the bottom of the valley.
I was thoroughly impresses by the tour instructors though and the safety was fantastic. We also got to see snakes e.t.c as well as getting to see tea leaves, coffee plants and much more. I'd thoroughly recommend doing this to anyone!
After the 3hrs of flying between trees we then had a nice meal in the village cooked by the tribe and then caught the bus back to Chang Mai. Arriving back I was thoroughly tired so just chilled out at the guesthouse watching Bourne Identidy with a family from San Francisco. Ohh...I also had a nice conversation with a Deutsch man tonight. He's here for two weeks trying to find his brothers grave, the brother married a Thai and was buried out here and none of his family knew where he was buried e.t.c but he found the grave after the first week. So was enjoying some travelling now.

Feeling a Bit Rough

Granted today was maybe not the most productive day, but it was a great day none-the-less. I woke up slighly later than normal. Due to last nights escapades and I then decided to be pro-active and make a plan for the next week or two.
After speaking to June, my travell agent from the guesthouse, I ended up booking a journey tomorrow to go and do 'The Flight Of The Gibbon' as well as booking a three day trek from Saturday through to Monday to go up in the hills and spend two nights with hill tribes and then walk, bamboo raft and elephant trek during the daytime.
As for the evening, I had a girl called Ellen respond to my lonely planet advertisement for a travell companion, so i met up with her this evening and had some drinks and food with her. She was from Norwhich and had been travelling India and Thailand for the last 3months.

British German Relations

After a great day of talking to monks and visiting temples I decided to have a wonder round the town tonight with my new book to read. My intention being, wonder a bit, then have a drink and read. Sadly though I think Western Culture has affected Chang Mai even, the bars/pubs/clubs are all identical bringing much disappointment to myself. I even at one point found myself walking down some seedy red light district area. This meant I needed a plan B.
The guest house where I'm staying is incredibly friendly, reasonably prices and comfortable so I decided to return back there to read my book and enjoy a quiet drink. Here's where I met a fantastic German by the name of Stephan.
Stephan has 5 weeks in Thailand and is on his way tomorrow to go up to Chang Rai and Pai, villages further north of Chang Mai, close to the border to Laous.
We had both had the same problem that evening of just wanting to have a quiet drink and see what the locals/night life was like, but worth both thoroughly disappointed. After a couple drinks at the guest house we then went on to do some food tasting by getting some beers from the '7-11' and going along the vendors stalls and getting a little to eat at each one. Which was fantastic fun! We ended up staying out till 4 that night and although we both incredibly full it was a great night tasting all the different selections of food as well as talking to a like-minded traveller who was also in search of remote quiet parts of Thailand.
Stephan has a blog which you can read at he even speaks about me in it (i blush). haha

Stefan's Blog

Talking to a Monk

After a late night yesterday and a day of travelling I felt knackered this morning, so decided to have a lie in .
Consequently I woke up at 11am and went downstairs to speak to the tour operator (June) and find prices/oppertunities available to myself in the Chang Mai area .
After that I proceeded to have a wonder around the town and familarise myself with it, Chang Mai it’s self if nice and peaceful, lots of temples scarttered about, vendors everywhere and a cheap bus service (it costs 30p to go anywhere in the town on a taxi/bus) .
After wondering around 3 of the temples I found an ancient one from 680yrs ago. Way before Chang Mai was part of Thailand. Here I met, and had an in depth conversation with a Monk from Chang Rai. Which must have been one of the most fasinating things, he explained to me his beliefs, opinions and thoughts on the world (politics e.t.c) .
He had been a monk for 10 yrs, since he was 12, he left home one day and has yet to return. He explained to me how he choose to be one to study and learn more/further himself, he also explained how Monks on the whole distance theirselves from thinking to much ref: the rest of the world. He understands what is happening but works on the principle of Karma, he also beleives in how people should co inhabit the world with nature, this is what’s called Demacracy.
As for now, it’s 6pm so still nice and early, so I’ve decided to go to the night market and see if there’s anything that takes my fancy.

A Day On The Bus

Ok, so today wasn’t the most exciting in the world but it was one where I sorted myself out none the less. I woke up around 7am this morning and went to Royal Jordian Airways, the company who my plane ticket is with, I went there to see what my flexibility is like with my ticket. They stated that I can stay upto the 28th of November 2009 and if I wanted to change my flight time it would be 25 pounds.
After that I caught a taxi, went by metre, to the NE bus terminal of Bangkok, there I caught a bus to Chang Mai. The bus costed approximately 580Bh and included a hot meal (which I chose to be rice, chicken and pea cake) as well as a blanket, pillow and on-board entertainment. Surprised by the luxury of the bus I spent the 11hrs listening to my new Ipod as well as watching the Thai’s equivalent to Takeshi’s Castle. Out here it is called Chang 100000, and the Thai’s love it!
Upon arriving to Chang Mai, I caught a Tok Tok to Moon Chuag, a popular tourist area filled with B&B’s and Guesthouses, I checked into Jacky’s Hotel which costs 8 pounds a night for air con, 2 single beds and a free tour organiser.
After a brief few beers with some Australians and a few more beers by myself on the internet, I setted up this blog to inform my family on a day-to-day basis on how my travelling was going.
I also received an email from a girl called Lucy today, whom’s getting to Chang Mai on Thursday, see seemed up for travelling with me. I placed an advert on Lonely Planet for a travel companion.
Also today I recieved word from Tim Revel who is OK with me coming along to the Balloon Festival next month and flying with him. Which I look forward to.
As for now, I’m about to pay the 1 pound I owe to Jacy for my 2hrs internet use, and then walk to the 7-11 for some food. Although it’s 2 in the morning, I’m blooming hungry as I still haven’t had tea.