Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So yesterday may not have gone to plan, luckily though as a backpacker, there is no plan. Today, therefore, I needed to create a strategy.
I woke up early, realizing why my accommodation was so cheap, it was hideous, disgusting and revolting. I walked around for a couple hours looking at the Wats (temples) and Khon Kaen's park, finishing of my wonder at the local hypermarket 'Big C's'.
I then returned to see that my hotel was the only place I had seen with a healthy supply of cockroaches. It was cheap however, so I decided to stay another night before catching, and continuing the other 5hrs of my bus trip to Ubon Ratchathani.

Bear in mind: The accommodation was so nasty and foul that the 'landlord' admitted to me that not only was he broke, but he had invested in a prostitute (better known as a 'freelancer') to live their to try and make extra money!

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